viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2022

Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme


Hello there, today im going to talk about the changes that could be made to my study programme in my carreer or institute, where mainly the evaluation method would change, where the memorization of the contents in some branches is urged, where there are other skills that could be evaluated such as the understanding of the subject.

I would also consider a change in the teaching that some subjects teach, although it depends more on the teacher more than anything, because there are times when teachers go only to read powerpoints, without vocation, just to go for a schedule and not for a fortuitous teaching.

I also consider changing the study spaces and that they are generally full and you have to go to other faculties.

On the other hand, I would change some annual subjects to semester ones since they greatly delay the stay in the university and there are people who are with scholarships which affects the fact that there is an extension in the career and the amount of money that must be paid in a course is exaggerated in a year.

I would also change the method of justifications that exist in the faculty, since there are times when you almost have to prove that you are on the verge of death or that you had a fatal misfortune to justify the absence of a seminar or an evaluation and that brings inconveniences just as fatal.

Also that the percentage of assists goes down a bit…..

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2022

Post 4: A Time Travel to the Future

Modifying time, moving through in it, is a very interesting topic to touch on, many questions, many answers, ways of life, hystorical events, moments that one would like to modify or relive.

But in my opinion I would like to go to the future, I would like to witness what has become of my loved ones and their goals, if problems that inflict us today as humanity have been resolved, if there will be that science fiction technology, like having arms of metal or if cars fly or if the entertainment industry has revolutionized as it has done so many times so far, how will fashion be, or even if a new language is invented, or if cancer or diseases have been cured without cure, I would try to solve all my questions, see what I became, see if I'm happy, see if I'm comfortable with myself and obviously see if I finish my career.

It would still be sad, since we live in a constant balance, the misfortunes, the good events, everything is turning and I don't want to imagine what kind of balance there will be in the future, if the misfortunes will be even more catastrophic, or if the problems that afflict today continue to persist or even evolved, or some companies wouldn´t exist, I also want to see how I think, if my though is correct, or if the world at that time is correct, but the question is: What is correct?

Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

  Hello there, today im going to talk about the changes that could be made to my study programme in my carreer or institute, where mainly th...